Damien Huze and Sky Winston from W+R Studios jumped on to share an update on the new interactive digital presentation that is included as part of the Cloud CMA package. Don't miss your chance to hear directly from real estate tech designers who make the tools you use!
We’ve included a podcast link below if you just want to hear Damien and Sky wax poetic about all things product and real estate software design for about 20 minutes without demo.
If you’d like to see the full conversation as well as the live demonstration, check out the video.
You’ll understand after watching, but in case you don’t: this is the best product in years.
P.S. W+M Agents let us know if you need a discount code. We’ve got your back on this one.
Cloud CMA Live Interview and Demo
00:00-16:30: We open by discussing product design and real estate technology opportunities
16:30-30:00: W+R Studios background story and context shaping Cloud CMA product
30:00-56:00: Cloud CMA Live demonstration
56:00-#End: Q+A, Pricing, and Wrap Up
Product First Impressions and Feedback
Cornerstone product: Comparing listings is an evergreen skill agents perform every single day.
Transformative: Comps used to require multiple assets. Digital experiences need only one.
Polished: Agents are escorted through the process and clients appreciate the visuals.
Winner: This elevates the game for every stakeholder in the process.
Cloud CMA Live exposes a broker and agent software category as important as real estate search results and individual listing detail pages. The art and science of comparing listings used to be a cut + paste mishmash of files, links, and anecdotes. With this release, nearly every agent and broker can analyze, package, and present this information with style and confidence.
Here is an example Cloud CMA Live customized with W+M listings, not a true CMA - link
There will be a moment in time later this year when collectively as an industry we won’t understand how we did this process any other way. I compare it in our chat to Caller ID.
If these last two months have showed newer agents anything, it’s that pricing real estate is equal parts art and science. Cloud CMA now cannibalizes the previous other ingredient: bulls**t.
I must implore brokers and agents to truly discover where this tool fits in your stack and master the workflow for discussing a group of listings as compared to another one. Cloud CMA and it’s Live upgrade are customizable with PDF upload modules and a simple WYSIWYG editors for additional content. Don’t try to shove every other part of your process into this product - and simply marvel at the beauty in having a tool that fits one piece perfectly.
With a true product category leader on the table, MLS, Associations, Brokers, and Agents must figure out how to get the product in the hands of every single user in the country.
The folks at W+R studios threw down an instant classic, much like the Led Zeppelin debut.
There will be cheap imitations. But once you go Cloud CMA Live, you’ll never go back.
Greg Fischer
Tech | Managing Broker
(720) 605-3325
West + Main Homes Agent Pro Podcast.
A 20 minute outtake from our conversation above where Damien and Sky share insights.
Nobody else in the real estate space talks about their work like this. Throw down your card.