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GRI Fair Housing (4 CE Credits)

WHEN: Tuesday |April 18, 2023 | 9:00 AM -1:00 PM

WHERE: Virtual, hosted through Zoom

WHY: Learning ​how ​to ​take ​a ​proactive ​role ​in ​preventing ​fair ​housing ​violations ​will ​reduce ​a ​real ​estate ​licensee's ​exposure ​to ​liability. ​ ​Title ​VIII ​of ​the ​Civil ​Rights ​Act ​of ​1968 ​( ​Fair ​Housing ​Act), ​as ​amended, ​prohibits ​discrimination ​in ​the ​sale, ​rental, ​sand ​and ​financing ​of ​dwellings, ​and ​in ​other ​housing-related ​transactions, ​based ​on ​r ​ace, ​color, ​national ​origin, ​religion, ​sex, ​familial ​status(including ​children ​under ​the ​age ​of ​18 ​living ​with ​parents, ​or ​legal ​custodians, ​pregnant ​women, ​and ​people ​securing ​custody ​of ​children ​under ​the ​age ​of ​18), ​and ​disability. ​ ​A ​real ​estate ​licensee's ​awareness ​of ​federal ​fair ​housing ​laws ​and ​sensitivity ​to ​consumer ​diversity ​is ​vital ​to ​business ​success, ​reputation, ​and ​growth. ​ ​Licensees ​will ​learn ​why ​it ​is ​necessary ​to ​understand ​fair ​housing ​laws ​and ​the ​impact ​that ​both ​fair ​housing ​and ​diversity ​have ​on ​their ​business.

Learning ​Objectives:

  • Apply ​definitions ​of ​the ​seven ​protected ​classes ​and ​their ​exemptions ​to ​daily ​business ​encounters.

  • Demonstrate ​behavior ​compliant ​with ​federal ​fair ​housing ​and ​related ​laws ​(including ​ADA).

  • Compare ​obligations ​of ​the ​REALTOR® ​Code ​of ​Ethics ​and ​REALTOR® ​Fair ​Housing ​Declaration ​to ​the ​requirements ​of ​the ​Fair ​Housing ​Act.

  • Apply ​an ​understanding ​of ​HUD's ​complaint ​and ​penalty ​process ​regarding ​fair ​housing ​violations.

  • Demonstrate ​person ​first ​behavior ​in ​the ​context ​of ​diversity.

  • Construct ​a ​niche ​marketing ​plan ​that ​reflects ​an ​awareness ​of ​and ​sensitivity ​to ​diversity.

GRI ​REQUIREMENTS: Be ​a ​Colorado ​Realtor® ​in ​good ​standing.

Complete ​coursework. The ​GRI ​program ​consists ​of ​15 ​courses, ​most providing four (4) ​hours ​of ​credit, ​for ​a ​total ​of ​56 CE ​hours ​of ​education. Courses ​may ​be ​taken ​online, ​in ​the ​classroom ​from ​a ​sponsoring ​REALTOR ​association, ​or ​a ​combination ​of ​online ​and ​classroom. ​

All ​60 ​hours ​of ​education ​toward ​the ​GRI ​designation ​must ​be ​completed ​within ​three (3) ​years. 


CE CREDITS: 4 (In order to receive CE credits, you must: have video capability, have video on and be visible for the duration of the class. You may not drive, show homes or participate in any distractions during class. CE credits will not be given to those who fail to follow these guidelines.)

PRICE: Realtor® $50 | Non-Realtor® $70

CLASS POLICIES: You must cancel 24 hours in advance to receive a refund less $10 in service fees. If you choose to transfer to another class, you will be charged a $10 transfer fee. You must attend the entire class to receive your Colorado Continuing Education Credits. 

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